The regulations on what constitutes Clean Fill are strict and must be followed closely

What is Clean Fill?

Clean Fill is most often considered to be uncontaminated, non water-soluble, non-decomposable inert solid material. This includes rock, stone, used asphalt and brick, dredged material, material from excavated building sites, block or concrete from construction and soil that will generally provide solid foundation for the site being filled.  The rules are strict and soil is divided into Tables based on what type of clean fill can be dumped at a particular site.  Please see the Tables below for more information:

Soil Tables

In accordance with the Environmental Protection Act all material being dumped and used for fill in Ontario must be categorized into Tables. 

Table 1:  Table 1 which falls under "Clean Sites" should fall within Table 1 Standards which specifically states "Full Depth Background Site Condition Standards".  Specifically this would include fill for Agricultural, Residential Parkland, Institutional, Industrial, Commercial and Community Property use. 

Table 2:  Can be used for Industrial, Commercial and Property use.

Table 3:  Can only be used for Industrial or Commercial use.